
1  : Brody : 2015/02/08(日) 10:17:17  ID:Braxktxopq
Is there ? <a href=" ">purchase oxybutynin online</a> Iテδ「テつテつ囘 guess that most of Williamsテδ「テつテつ冱 admirers overlook rather than share her family values, and many probably donテδ「テつテつ冲 share her social radicalism either. Leaving aside the Great Betrayal of founding the SDP, Williams was most sharply criticised for two acts: for visiting the picket lines to support striking workers at the Grunwick film processing plant in 1977, and for closing as many grammar schools as she could as minister for education. Both these criticisms are strange, since they fault her for acting on her beliefs, for putting her money where her mouth is. The Grunwick workers (mostly low-paid Asian women) had a valid grievance: should Williams have kept her distance from them, on the offchance that the strike might (as it did) turn violent or the Conservatives might (as they did) exploit her gesture? Similarly, Labourテδ「テつテつ冱 war on the grammar schools may have been politically naive (why end selectivity in the state sector while leaving the private sector untouched?), but it accorded with Williamsテδ「テつテつ冱 deepest convictions. テδ「テつテつ露 have never understood or accepted that some people, through the accident of birth, should be so much richer, have so much greater opportunities and better access to education, healthcare and good housing than others,テδ「テつテつ she wrote, inelegantly but sincerely, in her autobiography. People who love her in spite of her stance on grammar schools rather than because of it, are in love with a particular vision of her, and not with her politics. So if her popularity wasnテδ「テつテつ冲 based on her political achievements or her political convictions, on what was it based?

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